Wednesday, July 4, 2007

How to stay alive in Contested Territory

From what others have told me if you kill someone within 10 levels you get honor for it. If you ask me, there is almost no way a 32 level character has against a 42 level character.

There should be some kind of penalty with killing someone many levels below yours. Killing and ganking someone is not and should not be considered an 'honorable' kill. I should make a separate post on this another time!

I'm on a PvP server and I must say, it is tough. I check the channels in the Horde Territory and read about all the players asking for help because a super high level Horde and his friends keeps killing them over and over.

It has been pretty frustrating trying to solo quests in horde territory. And what is the deal with your name being broadcast to all Horde when you're trying to hide? It's nearly impossible to hide with that above your head!

Anyways, I'm deep in Stranglethorn Vale. I was experiementing with hiding from the horde. Luckily Reckard was with me. I was testing how many Horde seem to have the name tag above their heads on. one particular group of horde arrived to the area. Reckard went into stealth mode. I stayed hidden. One seemed confused. After all i was well hidden except for my name above my head. He decided to jump in and I hit him back hard. Reckard wailed on him and I kepted swinging and judging him. He's friend decided to jump in. We killed that horde and Reckard wailing on the friend, we (well mostly Reckard) got him too.

Making a rough estimation about 55% seem to be able to detect me because of my name above my head. I just want to finish up my quests and get out of there. I really have to get a macro to take quick printscreens and use my talents to help keep me alive.

My advice is to be very careful.

1. On close calls, really think about what you could have done to stack the odds a little more in your favor. Whether it comes to getting away, helping your buddy get a little bit more of an edge, or giving yourself a little more of an edge.

2. Develop a strategy for your characters encounters with the idea you are going to continue to refine that strategy until you are more successful.

3. Don't stay in open areas too long, stay in areas very less traveled and where you're less likely to been seen fighting. Some people have said to stay off the roads. I agree with one exception, the mobs in the area might be very high, so be careful.

There are some honorable Horde out there. A few gave me a gentle bow to which I returned the favor. I, myself, do not attack an 'innocent' horde unless I've been attacked first.

Your favorite Paladin,

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